Pflanzendetail aus dem begrünten Dach- und Außenbereich zur Schaffung ökologischen Lebensraums

A vibrant working and living space is the sum of many small and large decisions. GIESSEREI Garching is designed to be comprehensively sustainable and innovative and thus makes an important contribution to a responsibly designed future.

Urban Gardening Projekt, eine Person setzt Samen in kleine Pflanzgefäße

Living the future

Nowadays, environmentally friendly construction should not be a unique selling point, but rather the standard. Over a total of 22,000 square meters, the GIESSEREI Garching shows how sustainable energy supply, biodiversity and e-mobility can be realized in order to design the commercial campus that is being built here according to the values it represents right from the start: sustainability, innovation and flexibility.



SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS The facades made of wood and aluminum bear witness to the environmentally conscious construction methods used at GIESSEREI Garching. Both materials stand for longevity and can be easily recycled. As part of the new building, they already reflect on the outside what is on the inside: environmentally conscious construction as the foundation for a comprehensively sustainable concept.

GREEN ROOFS AND URBAN GARDENING Optimum insulation, filters against air pollution, protection of the building structure, improvement of the microclimate and additional ecological habitats are just some of the arguments in favor of green roofs at the GIESSEREI. In addition, living surfaces play an important role in human well-being.

SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY The resource-saving energy supply of the GIESSEREI is ensured by district heating, which is a by-product of electricity production and protects the climate. Additional solar modules on the roof - photovoltaics - ensure the energy supply of the building via solar energy.

BEE HOTELS When it comes to promoting biodiversity, every square meter counts. For this reason, the Giesserei's park-like outdoor areas feature numerous bee hotels that serve as breeding and living areas. There are a variety of ways to create beds and promote exchange while gardening together.

E-MOBILITY Environmental awareness doesn't stop when you leave the building; the possibility to charge e-cars and e-bikes on site is part of the infrastructure and ensures an emission-free commute. There are enough e-charging stations in the parking garage, which can be retrofitted at any time if tenant demand increases.

FLEXIBLE SPACE SOLUTIONS Whether research, showroom or classic office: The individualized tenant fit-out realizes tailor-made solutions that are designed to be changeable and resource-saving. According to the tenant's specifications, only the rooms that are really needed and can be flexibly adapted are created here.

Responsibility for tomorrow

CORPORATE REAL ESTATE WITH VISION With the GIESSEREI Garching, a new building is being constructed that takes the protection of resources and the environment into account right from the start. Sustainability is one of the core themes that the lively commercial campus realizes. It is depicted in numerous facets from building materials to energy supply to urban gardens. Inspiring and progressive in its making, this place is an optimal working environment.

Detail Holzfassade als Zeichen umweltbewussten Bauens und Nachhaltigkeit

Fachkraft bei der Anbringung einer Photovoltaikanlage auf dem Dach

Moderner Gebäudekomplex mit begrünter Dachterrasse und Outdoor Sitzbereich

"At BEOS, we regularly ask ourselves what contribution we can make to a livable future in the construction sector. The GIESSEREI Garching is our answer. With ‚DGNB Gold', we are aiming for one of the highest awards for sustainable and forward-looking construction here."

Kostja Rozanski, ESG-Manager, BEOS AG

Detailansicht eines Bienenhotels für die Förderung der Biodiversität
Bepflanzung von Beeten im begrünten Außenbereich


This lively place not only offers intelligent space solutions, but also adapts to the needs of its employees. Working and living in an environment that provides a high quality of life and the claim to help shape the world of tomorrow in many different ways can only be beneficial. Energy sources, construction methods and infrastructure for fossil-free mobility are not just part of the portfolio at GIESSEREI Garching, but part of the philosophy behind it.

Bodenmarkierung für einen Parkplatz mit E-Ladestation
Detail einer E-Ladestation für Elektroautos
DGNB Gold Certificate  

With the GIESSEREI Garching project, we are striving for gold certification from the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen" (German Sustainable Building Council).

To this end, we are planning the entire construction process in close coordination with DGNB e.V. The sustainability concept is based on three central pillars: economy, ecology and social issues.


Economically sensible consideration of the building over its entire life cycle.


Resource and environmentally friendly construction methods.


The focus of the social aspect is the user of the building.